S5 Corporate Response - шаблон joomla Книги
Editing, proof page, and formatting





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СКИДКА!  Нотариальное заверение перевода от 2300 от 1590 тенге/документ

Перевод страницы от 990 тенге!





Our translation agency takes orders in any format.

   What is text revision and page proof? The translated text should conform to the style and format of the original document. In such a case tables, charts and diagrams are copied and the translated text is inserted. Designers in cooperation with professional translators have been working together in our agency.

   Page proof is accomplished in cases when the relevant formatting is required for the translated material. Page proof is necessary in the following cases:

  • The translation of literary texts and illustrated manuals;
  • The translation of presentations, brochures, catalogues and web-sites;
  • The translation of tables, diagrams, drawings, pictures, charts etc.;
  • In case when the original and translation texts are aligned on one page.

   Text revision is required for changing or assuring the style and terminology consistency, and for correcting orthographical, punctuation, grammar or logic errors. In our agency both a professional translator and a proofreader are involved in performing the  translation, thus, assuring the double check system which improves the quality of the provided service not extending the performance time.

   Proof reading is necessary in cases of a large scope of work requiring the involvement of a few translators. 

   In our company the cost of a proof reader’s work is included in the translation price, that is no additional fee is charged.

   We offer an additional (remunerated) service of text revision for correcting the translation accuracy. The mentioned above service is usually ordered when a customer wants to check or improve the quality of the text translated by some other agency or translator. In such a case our specialists will check the semantic accuracy of the translation.

   Such text revision will cost 50% of the total translation value price-list. In cases when the amount of errors amounts more than 20% of the text, the total translation value is to be charged.




Making order is very simple.

  • You can use our on-line calculator to define the price or chose an easier way and send us the order by mail so that we can calculate the price.
  • Telephone : 8 (727) 317-17-68; 8 (727) 317-17-78; 8 (747) 317-17-78 (Tele2)
  • Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Address: Almaty city, 35 Zheltoksan st., suite No. 33 (at the corner of Zheltoksan and Mametova st.)


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050000, Almaty

Zheltoksan Street, 35, corner Mametova Street

Office № 33

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