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Translation and sound recording of audio and video materials





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   Translation agency “KazTranslate” performs translation, overdubbing and subtitling for video files of different subjects and from different languages.

   For the time being video clips have been used almost everywhere: in presentations, in the spheres of entertainment and advertisements, in fictional and documentary movies, as well as in animated cartoons.

   Translation from a foreign language into Russian considering the mindset of the local community and taking a creative approach is the focus area of our agency. One should also take into account the fact that Russian is a longer language as compared to English, that is playing time of one and the same text will differ in two languages. In this case our translator will correct and adapt the text to fit the video (a speaker will shrink the text to fit the speaking lips “lip sync”).  

   If you just need to understand the video clip content we can translate it in writing which will cost you far way less money.

Translation price shall depend on the following factors: 

  • Subject complicacy;
  • Text density per time unit;
  • Audio and video quality;
  • The price of each video clip is set on an individual basis. Our manager will inform you about price details. 

 Our translation agency can provide you with assistance in making video clips in the required language (corporate, social or other ones).



   Despite the fact that translation of audio medias has been a much-in-demand service nowadays, there are only few high skill professionals working in the market sector. Our translation agency offers quality audio translation services.   

Audio translation is mostly required for sound recording or written translation of audio books, conferences, training materials, radio advertisements, speeches, reports, songs, interviews, lectures etc.

 Audio translation price depends on the following factors:

  • Audio track length;
  • Speech tempo and audibility;
  • Subject complicacy;
  • The price of each audio clip is set on an individual basis. Our manager will inform you about price details. 

Useful information:

Average speech tempo:

— Russian: 120-140 words per minute;

— English: 140-170 words per minute;

— German: 120-130 words per minute.




Making order is very simple. 

  • You can use our on-line calculator to define the price or chose an easier way and send us the order by mail so that we can calculate the price.
  • Telephone : 8 (727) 317-17-68; 8 (727) 317-17-78; 8 (747) 317-17-78 (Tele2)
  • Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Address: Almaty city, 35 Zheltoksan st., suite No. 33 (at the corner of Zheltoksan and Mametova st.)



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050000, Almaty

Zheltoksan Street, 35, corner Mametova Street

Office № 33

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