S5 Corporate Response - шаблон joomla Книги





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(777) 525-44-77          
8 (702) 214-17-68  
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СКИДКА!  Нотариальное заверение перевода от 2300 от 1590 тенге/документ

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Our translation agency “KazTranslate” offers a wide range of payment types. You are welcome to pay for the translation services applying any payment type convenient for you:


  • Cash payment. Cash payment is accomplished in our office. That is the most popular type of settlement. Having made a payment a customer is provided with a cashier’s cheque.                                                                                                        
  • Bank transfer. The agency manager will provide you with the information about our bank details necessary for making a bank transfer (cashless payment). In order to speed up the start of translation you can send us a payment receipt copy. If you are beyond the territory of Kazakhstan you can transfer USD dollars or euro to our company’s foreign currency account.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  • POS – terminal. The payment is made in our office by withdrawing money from a bank card applying POS-terminal according  to the price-list. Bank cards VISA and MasterCard are be used for making payment;














050000, Almaty

Zheltoksan Street, 35, corner Mametova Street

Office № 33

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