Written translation is one of the main areas of our company’s activity. We have translated a lot of different documents, special literature, legal, financial, economical, medical, advertising and technical texts of various complicity levels.
Most freelance translators having been working at our translation agency are the citizens of foreign countries, thus, being native speakers and certified experts in the relevant areas with at least 5 year working experience. Some of them have the second graduate degree in Economics, Law, Medicine or Technical Sciences.
Our translation agency employees are advanced users of all Microsoft Office programs and other popular formats such as PDF or programs like AutoCAD designed for making drawings and schematic diagrams.
Only few translation agencies working in Almaty and Kazakhstan use the double translation quality control system. The point is that before delivery to the client, every translated material is reviewed by a proof reader who is to check the terminology, style and form consistency, especially in cases when the translation accomplishment requires a team of translators. If requested by a client we can make an individual glossary.
Translation agency “KazTranslate” has gained broad experience in written translation of different subjects, spheres and areas.
The translation agency “KazTranslate” has conducted the market analysis of Kazakhstan and found out that almost all our competitors overvalue notary certification of documents being identical for all notary officers (according to the law) for the sake of profit making. As the result, notarized translation turns out to be 10% - 50% higher than the standard price set by a notary officer.
Our translation agency meets the needs of our customers having granted a permanent DISCOUNT for notary certification of the documents translated by our company staff (agreements, certificates, licenses, diplomas, passports and other personal and corporate documents). Thus, ordering translation in our agency you will be offered a perfect price (as compared to prices fixed in Almaty) for translation and as well as notary certification discount. (That is, notary certification price will be lower than the price set by a notary officer).
The agency staff will be happy to provide you with the translation within the shortest possible time as we realize that people usually make urgent orders at the last moment. The order terms depend on a few factors: the scope of translatable material, subject, language pair and a customer’s requirements.
Price calculation:
All the agencies rendering translation services in Kazakhstan set value by reference to the Russian language, that is put value only for the Russian language. All the languages are of different contents capacity. For example, English and German are regarded the languages with higher holding capacity than Russian, thus, the translation price can be 10-20% higher than it was first expected. Chinese translation if far from being predictable and in some cases the difference is up to 45%. Kazakh is almost similar as to contents capacity so the difference can be up to 20%. The exact translation price in such cases can be set only after accomplishing translation into Russian.
Making order is very simple.
Address: Almaty city, 35 Zheltoksan st., suite No. 33 (at the corner of Zheltoksan and Mametova st.)
050000, Almaty
Zheltoksan Street, 35, corner Mametova Street
Office № 33