Let us make money together!
Our translation agency "KazTranslate " needs:
1. Customer Attraction Agent (freelancer).
- Reward equal to 10% of the total order value for each business transaction (no fixed compensation). For example, in case of ordering translation equal to100,000 tenge, the net remuneration will amount 100,000 tenge. Later on you will provide translation services for this customer on a regular basis, thus, drawing your interest from future orders.
- Flexible working hours, part-time employment (in case of having free time).
- The search and providing consultations for customers aimed at concluding translation contracts.
- Active search of clients among business entities and individuals.
- Required skills for a successful candidate: insistency, perfect communication skills and self-discipline while achieving the expected result.
2. Translators (freelancers) in different languages.
- Payment in arrears - for the actually accomplished scope of work;
- A freelance translator's location is of no importance;
- Part-time employment, flexible working hours and distance work.
- Translation of texts in different subjects
- Consecutive / simultaneous interpretation
- Excellent command of one or several languages
- Higher vocational education (holding a degree in the relevant special field).
- Excellent language skills
- 5year translation experience.
- Grammatical correctness, high speed of operation, responsibility, response to orders and punctuality.
- MS Office advanced user (Word, Excel, Power, Outlook, AutoCad etc.)
All the vacancies are current!
Send you CV to the e-mail address: arsen.j@kaztranslate.kz
Telephones: +7 (727) 317-17-68; 317-17-78. 87473171778 (Tele2)
Address: Almaty city, 35 Zheltoksan st., suite No. 33 (at the corner of Zheltoksan and Mametova st.)
Making order is very simple.
- You can use our on-line calculator to define the price or chose an easier way and send us the order by mail so that we can calculate the price.
- Telephone : 8 (727) 317-17-68; 8 (727) 317-17-78; 8 (747) 317-17-78 (Tele2)
- Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: Almaty city, 35 Zheltoksan st., suite No. 33 (at the corner of Zheltoksan and Mametova st.)